LIVr Stir Wand - Energetic Stir Wands for Beverages - Emethy Wands


Information courtesy of Emethy:



HAND PICKED herbs by Shamans

There is something very special about Emethy's® LIVr Rainforest Remedies-

Here's why: 

The cutting edge line of wild-crafted Rainforest remedies are hand harvested by Shamans deep within the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest produces the richest biological incubator of plants on the planet. Rainforest remedies embody thousands of years of empirical indigenous knowledge passed down through generations by Shamans and their tribes who hand pick each plant. 

"There is something truly special about Rainforest remedies: their effects are profound"  The energy of the Amazon biosphere environment is truly unique and dramatically differs from anywhere else in the world.    
LIVr~ The liver is a very important organ that plays a major role in our body’s first line of defense.  This resilient organ stores glycogen, vitamins and minerals. Bile production and excretion is also part of livers function that also works to activate enzyme action. Blood detoxification and purification are important aspects of vital liver performance.  Our liver takes the brunt of toxic emotions.  Traditional Chinese medicine comprehends & clearly documents the emotions that are linked to Liver. Anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness and depression are some of the signs of an agitated liver.  

LIVr lifts depression and sadness and works to balance many other suppressed emotions.  

LIVr balances blood sugar and blood pressure levels.  This formula is also packed with super high antioxidant properties.

LIVr- Rejuvenates the liver and lifts emotional energies linked with liver malfunction such as anger, depression and guilt.  

LIVr also works to support Gallbladder


How to Use your Emethy Wand:

Emethy wands are waterproof and can be placed in warm or cold drinks like water, coffee, tea, smoothies, soups, etc.

Just place your Emethy wand in your choice of drink to receive 100% of Emethyls wand's beneficial energy.

Place wand into your pet's drinking water, drop it in your fish tank. Wet your wand and place the tip of it over any problematic area of your body.

*The Emethy Wand is waterproof, non toxic & BPA Free.

**Wands last for a lifetime!***


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