Ayurvedic Class
Ayurveda 101
Curious about dipping your toe into the endless pool of knowledge that is Ayurveda?
Join Ayurvedic Health Educator Wendy Kendall as she guides you through this ancient holistic healing system which can: improve your sleep, clarity, boost your metabolism, repair your relationship to food and your body, and increase mental clarity.
Take the first step by signing up! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, 10/19/17 from 7:30-9pm at Momentum 98 3509 N. High St. Columbus, Ohio 43214
This workshop will:
Introduce the basic concepts and elements of Ayurveda
Explain the Causes of Disease from an Ayurvedic perspective
The Five Element Theory
The 3 Doshas and the Constitution
What a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist Does and What Happens in a Consultation
The Cost of a Consultation
Participants will receive:
tridoshic tea
daily guidelines for returning to one’s optimal state of well-being
a talisman
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