Far Infrared Table Lamp (200 watt)
Get $25 off of each table lamp if you order 2 or more! Use the code 2lamps at checkout.
This lamp is very well made and will provide for many years of use.
There are many Far Infrared Ray (FIR) products in the marketplace - most of which emit 8-250 watts of FIR energy. Often the ones with the highest power emit a high temperature but their wavelength of FIR is not within the 4-14 um range, and is therefore not really suitable for the human body. We have found that many of them operate with a temperature that is too high.
We promote the Relax Far infrared table lamp because they have been tested - to ensure that they do not emit any Near Infrared Rays (which can cause sunburn or other side effects). The FIR energy is absorbed by our bodies as heat. When this energy is absorbed into the depth of our bodies, it will activate our cells and promote metabolism. This is excellent for our health. The FIR Table Lamp (200 watt) generates enough energy to have a very beneficial effect on the human body.
The Relax far infrared table lamp is very safe.
It will not burn or scald the user, and you cannot even ignite a tissue touching the semiconductor unit - yet it also emits a high power that is much stronger than competing companies. It can be used instead of a space heater or a warm blanket to keep you nice and toasty.
The FIR Table Lamp has four patented semi-conductor chips located in the Lamp head. The FIR chips ensure that only FIR energy is generates. The air vent holes on the top of the head allow for extra safety.
A customer left us this amazing testimonial;
"I received a Relax Sauna FIR table lamp this week. What I see before my eyes is so crazy that I just have to post the results here. I inject 1mL vitamin B12 solution twice a day and my thighs look like bruised pincushions most of the time. Tonight I put the lamp over the bruises and all but watched them disappear in real time. Within a few minutes, the bruises reduced in size by about 50% and the borders of the bruises faded quickly. Even after removing the light, my bruises continued to fade rather rapidly. I have tried five other FIR light devices over the last 2-3 years and have not seen anything like these results. I'm going to have to try taking a picture of my next set of bruises and record results over time." -Michael T
Toe pain gone after using 5-10 Minutes
A lady bought 2 Saunas and a Lamp from us at a conference. Here is her report on the lamp, as she ordered 2 more lamps:
“I have had a somewhat painful great toes nail edge for several months, which I’ve thought was due to a sub clinical type infection or ingrown nail. I used the Relax FAR infrared Table lamp on my toe for 5-10 minutes and my toes are completely painless! No More Pain “
She added, after her husband got into the Relax Sauna that they just purchased: “He said he can’t remember the last time he could go up and down the stairs without them (bones) creaking or hurting.”
This is a case study of a diabetic ulcer that was healed using the FIR Professional Radiator.
Warning: Contains graphic pictures!
Download Relax FIR Healing Case Study ( 287 KB pdf )
Download Relax FIR Sauna 12 Page Mini Booklet ( 341 KB pdf )
Download Relax FIR Sauna 28 Page Complete Booklet with FAQ's ( 818 KB pdf )
Download Relax FIR Sauna 12 Page FAQ's ( 84 KB pdf )
Ask a Question-
Hi! I came from Italy and I'm interested in buying the infrared lamps (both the table lamp and the eye Skype lamp): would it be possible to receive them using these items with a current transformer? Thank you for your assistance!
Hi there,
Our FIR products are not able to be used with a converter. When we recieve order from outside of the US/MEX/CAN 120v system. the items are custom made through our manufacturer to ensure your units are made with your country's voltage. This process takes a minimum of two weeks and ships to you from our manufacturer. -
No reviews.....whats up? Obviously this is good for spot treatments. Just curious, can it be beneficial for face, eyes, and sinuses. Does literature cover how long to use for various parts of body? No addition literature on website.
The taple lamp is beneficial for localized inflammation, pain, skin issues for various parts of the body. Also, people do find relief and better circulation for the face, eyes, and sinuses. Usually, people use it for 5-10 minutes at a time, once or twice a day.